Line Design Native American Art Project Line Design Art Projects for Kids

Fourth class art students are set up for new challenges, similar trying out perspective or exploring tessellations. These projects are all well within their abilities but will likewise encourage your students to push themselves to create cool new works of art they'll be proud to accept home and show off!

1. Become colorful with Fauve portraits

Collage of simple self-portraits done in bright colors (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Artists of the Fauve school believed in bright colors and bold lines, so their piece of work really appeals to kids. Apply bingo daubers to make the portraits, then oil pastels and liquid watercolors to create the colorful backgrounds.

Larn more: Cassie Stephens/Fourth Grade Fauve Art

2. Fold zig zag selfies

Accordion-folded paper with a regular portrait when viewed from one angle and a weird version from a second angle

Your fourth grade art students volition be wowed by the illusion of this portrait project. They'll create 2 different pictures of themselves on accordion-folded paper. When they unfold it, they'll be able to run across each portrait depending on the angle they look from.

Learn more: The Fine art Room at The Falcon Academy of Artistic Arts

3. Alloy snowy silhouettes

Painted nighttime winter scene with full moon and snowman and tree silhouettes (Fourth Grade Art)

Larn to blend tints and shades with these winter landscapes, featuring full moons and silhouettes of trees, snowmen, and other wintry objects.

Learn more than: tinyartroom

four. Acquire the parts of a landscape

Landscape drawings made with simple lines and bright colors

Teach your students terms like foreground, middle basis, and horizon as they create these patterned landscapes. They'll also acquire to use warm colors to make some elements pop and cool colors when they want something to recede into the background.

Larn more: Jamestown Elementary Fine art Blog

5. Sheet mighty pirate ships

Collage of construction paper pirate ships with painted patterned backgrounds (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Students will have fun painting textured waves to back their fearsome construction paper pirate ships. Claiming them to personalize their sails with their own insignia likewise!

Larn more: Deep Space Sparkle

6. Add texture with glue

Butterfly made with glue lines on foil, colored in with markers

Aluminum foil makes a really cool sail for art projects. Utilise school glue to "describe" insect fine art, then fill in the colors with Sharpies.

Acquire more: Denette Fretz

7. Put your students in The Scream

Kid-drawn background resembling The Scream, with photo of kid pretending to scream in front (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Munch'due southThe Scream is i of the most well-known pieces of art out there. Larn more nigh the original painting, then have kids paint their own backgrounds. Finish information technology off by taking "scream selfies" and pasting them on!

Learn more: Art With Mrs. Seitz

8. Make Dean Russo-inspired animals

Boldly drawn tiger head with a rainbow background (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Dean Russo's brilliant pet portraits have become incredibly popular, and they're exactly the kind of style that appeals to kids. This is some other 4th grade art lesson that's perfect for using bingo daubers to make the bold outlines.

Learn more: Elements of the Art Room

9. Assemble colorful seahorses

Seahorse in pastel colors pasted on black construction paper

These dreamy seahorses are made using haemorrhage tissue paper to achieve the soft watercolor effect. When yous gum them onto black construction paper, the colored panels practically seem to glow.

Acquire more: The Crafty Classroom

10. Turn book pages into a seascape

Watercolor seascape painted on torn book pages with construction paper ships (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Collect some sometime textbooks and turn them into bounding ocean waves! Dab the torn pages with watercolors, then add together boats of diverse sizes to create the illusion of depth.

Acquire more: Mrs. Jackson'south Fine art Room

11. Endeavor a toothpaste batik

Collage of animals on cloth made using toothpaste batik method (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

The traditional batik process involves wax, but this version uses a surprise substitute: toothpaste! Learn how it works at the link.

Larn more: Art is Basic

12. Sculpt figures from foil

Two figures sculpted from aluminum foil, with their shadows drawn below

Plough a box of aluminum foil into absurd sculpted figures! After your students make their figures, accept them depict and shade the shadows the figures brand.

Larn more: Mrs. Knight's Smartest Artists

13. Craft radial paper relief sculptures

Collage of colorful folded paper patterns (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Explore the concept of radial symmetry with this intriguing folded paper project. Visit the link below to larn some basic folds, but don't be afraid to endeavor out creative shapes of your own.

Learn more: Art With Mrs. Nguyen

14. Sew giant pizza pillows

Pizza slices made of fabric and covered with colorful toppings

Every kid loves pizza, then they'lldear the chance to stitch their ain enormous pizza pillows! Choosing and designing the felt toppings will exist their favorite part of this elementary sewing project.

Learn more: Cassie Stephens/4th Course Pillow Pizza

xv. Mix pigment for giant Hokusai waves

Large wave painted in shades of blues and green (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Japanese artist Hokusai is all-time known for his series of woodblock prints of Mount Fuji, includingThe Corking Moving ridge off Kanagawa. Fourth grade art students will enjoy mixing acrylic paints to get the proper shades to recreate this iconic marine scene.

Larn more than: Kim & Karen: ii Soul Sisters

16. Depict Escher-inspired tessellations

Tessellated dogs bright colors with the image of a child's handing holding a pencil pasted on top

Get ready to see your students' optics widen when yous show them M.C. Escher's heed-angle illustrations. And so challenge them to create their own tessellations, which are repeating patterns that comprehend a page with no gaps or overlaps. Information technology'southward tricky, only oh-then-satisfying!

Learn more: Art With Mrs. Seitz

17. Put together gratis-fall foreshortening art

Art showing a student falling backward with the feet and hands large in the foreground (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

4th course art students are ready to tackle some more advanced concepts, similar foreshortening an object to produce the illusion of altitude. These free-falling portraits emphasize easily and feet, creating an interesting, foreshortened perspective.

Acquire more:

18. Write typography self-portraits

Portrait of a fourth grade art student made using words

Brand some time in your curriculum for graphic arts like typography. This self-portrait is a combination of poetry and art, and the results are truly special.

Larn more than: Flying Crayons

19. Shade close-up dragon optics

Close-up of a dragon eye made with watercolor resist and colored pencil

Your fourth grade fine art students will develop a whole bunch of new skills with this projection, including shading, wet-on-wet watercolors, crayon resist, and more. Plus, those dragon eyes are simply mesmerizing!

Learn more: Art With Mrs. Kerbaugh

twenty. Cut out Dubuffet sculptures

Abstract paper sculpture in red, white, and blue

Dubuffet took great inspiration from watching kids create, eventually coining the termart brut, sometimes called outsider fine art. Afterwards looking at some of his work, ask kids to use paper to brand a gratuitous-flowing abstract sculpture of their own.

Learn more than: The Art Room

21. Split and share circles

Four different patterned circles, split into quarters and reassembled (Fourth Grade Art Projects)

Collaborative art projects requite kids a adventure to work together and share their creativity. For this i, each student creates one Kandinsky-inspired circle and cuts it into 4 pieces. So kids mix and match with each other to put together unique compositions.

Learn more than: Kandinsky Inspired

22. Outline and paint 3D gems

Colorful 3-D gems outlined and filled in with paint

Utilize the magic of crystals and gems to inspire students for this watercolor project. Prove them the basic steps, then let them compose their own valuable collections.

Learn more: Elements of the Art Room

23. Swoop deep for undersea sculptures

Collection of clay sculptures of rocks with sea stars and urchins (Fourth Grade Art)

Everything's better under the bounding main, including these gorgeous dirt sculptures. Use photos of tide pools to inspire fourth grade students to mold starfish, urchins, seaweeds, and more than.

Learn more: Nic Hahn

24. Create a shape explosion

Collage of drawings of various shapes, exploding out from a central point (Fourth Grade Art)

Here's another lesson in perspective, this 1 focusing on the vanishing point. For a personalized twist on this thought, have kids sketch the messages of their name instead of using shapes.

Acquire more than: Mrs. Knight's Smartest Artists

25. Float abroad with dandelion puffs

Collage of watercolor paintings with dandelion seed heads

I wait at these paintings, and you'll feel like you're sitting in a sunny meadow on a warm summer'southward twenty-four hour period. Kids use the moisture-on-wet technique to create those soft misty backgrounds.

Learn more: Fine art With Mrs. Fillmore

26. Snack on papier-mâché donuts

Six colorful donuts made from papier-mâché sitting on a silver tray

These donuts look yummy, but don't be tempted to have a sense of taste! Instead, drop by the post below for some donut fine art inspiration, then shape your own sweetness treats from papier-mâché.

Larn more than: Wow Art Project

27. Await down on birds-eye view snowmen

Drawing of a snowman, looking down from the top in a birds-eye view (Fourth Grade Art)

Viewed from the tiptop, snowmen are just a series of concentric circles. Practice shading to add depth to each circle, then add a scarf, arms, and snowman features to terminate it off.

Acquire more: Art With Mrs. Nguyen

28. Explore indigenous art with totem poles

Colorful construction paper totem poles showing a variety of animals

Brand this art lesson meaningful by learning why and how some Native American tribes make totems. Then have each student choose an animal that'south important to them, and build your own class totem poles.

Learn more: Welcome to Art Course

29. Construct clay castles

Flat castle made of textured clay painted silver

Accept some majestic fun with these textured dirt castles! Metal glazes and glittering pennants make this a project that really shines.

Learn more than: Thou-8 Fine art

thirty. Stitch and paint on burlap

Penguin and hot chocolate mug painted and stitched on burlap

Hither'southward a projection that's likely unlike from anything kids have tried earlier. First, paint a design on burlap. Then, sew on some embellishments with colored thread. The results are unique and awesome!

Learn more: Art is Basic

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30 Inspiring Fourth Grade Art Projects For Creative Kids


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